U.S.News & World Best Global Universities Rankingsに思う 〜何が評価されているのか〜
1位ハーバード、東大24位 米誌が世界大学ランキング:朝日新聞デジタル
新しい大学ランキングのニュースが出ていました。記事の元になったランキングは、Top World Universities | US News Best Global Universities - US Newsです。U.S.News & Worldは以前から米国内の大学ランキングなどを発表していましたが、今回初めて世界規模でランキングを公表したようですね。大学ランキングについては、弊BLOGでも下記の通り言及してきました。
- 大学ランキングに思う - 大学職員の書き散らかしBLOG
- U-Multirankに思う 〜新たなランキングの現状と可能性〜 - 大学職員の書き散らかしBLOG
- 世界大学ランキングに思う 〜何が評価されているのか〜 - 大学職員の書き散らかしBLOG
そもそも、USNのランキングはどのような指標で計算されたものなのでしょうか。How U.S. News Calculated the Best Global Universities Rankings - US Newsで確認します。
冒頭にある2指標はThomson ReuterのAcademic Reputation Surveyの結果を用いたようです。同調査結果は、Times Higher Educationのランキングにも使用されていますね。Regional research reputationはあまり聞いたことがありませんが、研究者の地理的バランスを考慮し、作成されたようです。
Global research reputation (12.5 percent): This indicator reflects the aggregation of the most recent five years of results of the Academic Reputation Survey for the best universities globally for research.
Regional research reputation (12.5 percent): This indicator reflects the aggregation of the most recent five years of results of the Academic Reputation Survey for the best universities for research in the region.
いわゆるビブリオメトリクス的な指標については、2008年から2012年までの5年間にWeb of Scienceに掲載された論文がベースになっているようです。
Publications (12.5 percent): This is a measure of the overall research productivity of a university, based on the total number of scholarly papers (reviews, articles and notes) that contain affiliations to a university and are published in high-quality, impactful journals.
Normalized citation impact (10 percent): The total number of citations per paper represents the overall impact of the research of the university and is independent of the size or age of the university; the value is normalized to overcome differences in research area, the publication year of the paper and publication type.
Total citations (10 percent): This indicator measures how influential the university has been on the global research community. It is determined by multiplying the publications ranking factor by the normalized citation impact factor. Total citations have been normalized to overcome differences in research area, publication year of the paper and publication type.
Number of highly cited papers (12.5 percent): This indicator reflects the number of papers that have been assigned as being in the top 10 percent of the most highly cited papers in the world for their respective fields.
Percentage of highly cited papers (10 percent): This indicator is the percentage of a university's total papers that are in the top 10 percent of the most highly cited papers in the world (per field and publication year).
International collaboration (10 percent): This indicator is the proportion of the institution's total papers that contain international co-authors divided by the proportion of internationally co-authored papers for the country that the university is in.
Number of Ph.D.s awarded (5 percent): This indicator reflects the total number of doctoral degrees awarded in 2012.
Number of Ph.D.s awarded per academic staff member (5 percent): This is the number of Ph.D.s awarded per the number of academic faculty members for the same year.